about me!sean or sasha lesbian genderfluid he/shi taken by marcy mwah autism adhd depression anxiety bpd etc i block often so don’t take it personal

likes my gf marcy, my friends, my family, enstars, doodling, jellyfish, funger, yuri/gl, my pets, seals, etc

notes masculine terms if i don’t know u, that’s it i thnk

my links crd accretrospringreferralyoutube
before you interact i make kms/kys jokes (mainly only with my friends) but tell me if u don’t like it, i dont use tone tags often, i'm semi ia on main, please tw trypophobia and chewing sounds, i use caps a lot.

do not interactstray kids fans/is a stay, nothing else just don’t be weird
music txt, enha, g-idle, twice loona artms etc radiohead ttc waterparks mcr p!atd ptv tfb csh mitski and many more

media funger, enstars, proseka, bandori, hi3, hsr, regretevator, and more i can’t remember

cr deftrokes for this crd layout